Fashion Photographer

3 Things I Would Do Differently If I Started Over


March 25, 2024


Alright, here’s the thing. Everything I have ever done whether it was a waste of money or time, taught me something. I didn’t start photography with the anticipation of it becoming business, so I was never rushing to get anywhere quick. I don’t necessarily regret anything I’ve done. But, I guess if I wanted to fast track, I would do things differently.

1. Free photoshoots

Hear me out. They’re good. You can bring your ideas to life instead of waiting around for it to happen. There’s less pressure and more enjoyment. I’m not saying give out photoshoots, but if you have an idea, do it. Not everything needs to be about money.

2. Presets are a no go.

I can honestly say I think presets are a waste of money. And I spent a ton of money on them only to hate them all. I find my work looks horrible with presets and more crisp and clean when I just do things myself. But of course, presets have taught me a lot about what I like and don’t like.

3. Don’t let business ruin your creativity.

Don’t let business take away your spark. Here’s where the free photoshoots come in handy. I have taken/and do take clients and follow their needs for a session. It’s just part of the business and also a great way to continue learning about the craft. BUT those free sessions where you can show off the art/style you love are a great way of getting your ideal clients who share the same ideas as you. It’s not something that happens over night though !

Fashion Photography


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